Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring in the Teanaway

The snow is finally starting to leave the forests, and roads are opening up. The family and I headed over the mountains to check in with our friends at Owen's Meats, and take a little hike in the Teanaway. After fueling up at Pioneer Coffee Roasting Company , we headed over to Owen's to order some beef. These guys are super helpful, and they are big MMA fans.

We finally headed out of town, and turned onto the Teanaway River Road. In spring, this valley is green and beautiful; we watched a herd of a dozen elk feeding in one of the hay fields. The road was clear, and I saw very little snow until we made the turn up Stafford Creek. Snow stopped our progress after about 3/4 of a mile. We geared up, strapped Sarah into the babybackpack, and headed out.

The dogs were everywhere and Sarah was chattering nonstop in my ear, as we walked along. We finally hit the trailhead and started up the trail. Seeing the smooth, sweeping, buff footpath brought back memories of my last visit to Stafford Creek (read here). Soon, we had to turn around and head back. But, as always, the Teanaway always beckons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now just imagine that on a MOTO!